​Hainan Digital Health Ecological Conference and CEO Forum Held in Haikou

来源: 发布日期:2023-09-01 14:46 【字体: 小   中   大

On March 25, 2023, Hainan Digital Health Ecological Conference and CEO Forum were held at the Hainan Resort Software Community. This event was co-hosted by Hainan Provincial Health Commission, Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, Department of Industry and Information Technology of Hainan Province, Department of Science and Technology of Hainan Province, and Hainan Provincial Medical Products Administration, aiming to accelerate the development of Hainans digital therapeutics industry and build an industrial cluster focusing on digital health.

Hainan Digital Health Ecological Conference and CEO Forum

This event was packed with keynote speeches, experience sharing, and roundtable discussions. Over 100 CEOs from medical care enterprises, including Alsolife, Bestcare & Sumian Biotech, Connect Medical Value, MediTrust Health, and Vedeng, gathered in the Hainan FTP for this event.More than 150 guests from governments, medical institutions, enterprises, and other fields were invited to exchange new ideas and seek opportunities for collaborative development.

Zhang Huawei deliversthe opening speech

Zhang Huawei, deputy secretary-general of the People’s Government of Hainan Province, noted in his opening speech that in recent years Hainan has prioritized the development of the health industry in line with President Xi Jinping’s vision for building a healthy China. As the world rapidly advances its digital development, Hainan has been actively promoting the development of the digital therapeutics industry. This not only drives innovation for the leapfrog progress of Hainan’s health industry but also underpins the construction of the FTP and a healthy Hainan. Zhang Huawei called upon all sectors of society to collaborate and create a new era for Hainan’s digital health industry, boost the development of the digital therapeutics industry, and establish a digital-therapeutics innovation island and a higher-level health island in Hainan.

During the morning forum, Hainan Provincial Health Commission, Department of Science and Technology of Hainan Province, Hainan Provincial Medical Products Administration, Hainan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, and Department of Industry and Information Technology of Hainan Province interpreted the policies related to the digital health. These presentationshighlighted Hainan’s favorable policy environment and the opportunities presented by the construction of the FTP. Following the presentation, representatives from these government sectors engaged in a full discussion with enterpriserepresentatives to explore opportunities for local cooperation.

Zhang Yuhui explainsthe digital therapeuticspolicy

Zhang Yuhui, deputy director-general of Hainan Provincial Health Commission, delivered a keynote speech entitled Viewing the Trend of the Digital Therapeutics Industry and Hainan's Digital Therapeutics Policies from the Perspective of Health Modernization. The speech expounded on the general trend in health development, the digital landscape, the health industry, and Hainan's strategy for developing digital therapeutics. Zhang provided a systematic interpretationof the policy and specific measures for developing the digital therapeutics industry in Hainan. He emphasized that Hainan aims to address long-standing problems by leveraging technological innovation in digital therapeutics. Moreover, by innovatively implementing the medical reform and theHealthy China initiative, Hainan will accelerate the research, development, and application of innovative technologies. These approaches are designed to balance the development of Hainan digital therapeutics industry, which accelerating the course of the medical reform and the Health China initiative while also promoting the upgrade of productivity and service models in health care.


Zhou Ju interpretspolicies for technological innovation

Zhou Ju, deputy director-general of the Industry and Information Technology Department of Hainan Province, discussed Hainan’s supportive policies for technological innovation including tech innovation platforms, programs, talents, and rewards.

Wang Gang interpretsdigital therapeuticsapproval policies

Wang Gang, deputy director-general of Hainan Provincial Medical Products Administration, presented the Hainan FTP policies that support the development of the digital therapeutics industry. The policies included releasingpolicy and regulation documentsfor therapeutics products; strengthening guidance and trainingfor digital therapeutics product registration; encouraging the use of real-world data for post-market clinical tests; and smoothing the priority approval channel of digital therapeutics products.

Yin Zeminginterpretsrelevant policies

Yin Zeming, the fourth-level consultant ofthe Innovation and High-tech Development Division of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, presented information aboutthe construction of Smart Hainan and digital health. His presentation introducedthe Overall Plan for Smart Hainan (2020-2025) and Hainan’s efforts in the construction ofan International Open Information and Communication Pilot Zone, a Fine Intelligent Social Governance Model Area, an International Tourism Island for Innovating Intelligent Consumptionand a digital economy with a new level of openness, among otherinitiatives.

Zeng Jin interpretskeypolicies

Zeng Jin, the second-level chief staff member of the Consumer Products Industry Department of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, provided an overview ofHainan FTP’spolicy implementation in the pharmaceutical field. She also interpreted key policies such as Action Plan for Promoting High-Quality Development of the Biomedical Industry in Hainan Province,Management Measures for Research and Development Voucherin the Biopharmaceutical Industry of Hainan Province (Revised),and Financial Measures to Promote High-Quality Economic Development in Hainan Province.

At the event, several keynote speeches were delivered by notable figures in the industry. Jiang Zhongyi, Director of the National Children's Medical Center (Shanghai), Li Qinghong, Secretary-General of the Digital Healthcare Council of the National Medical Education Association and Chairman of the Beijing Chen Jumei Public Welfare Foundation, Yang Ruirong, Partner of Yuanyi Capital and Pre-Vice-Chairman of the Digital Healthcare Council of the National Medical Education Association, and Li Zhihua, Deputy General Manager of the Consulting and Solution Center of Hainan Nanhai Cloud Holding Co., Ltd. respectively delivered keynote speeches. Their topics included the development of hospital disciplines boosted by digital technology, the innovation of digital-driven diagnosis and treatment models, the layout of the digital medical industry, and the construction of digital therapy application systems.

Digital Therapeutics: From Concept to Implementation, Digital Technology Promotingthe High-Quality Development of Hospital Disciplinesdelivered by Jiang Zhongyi, director of the National Children's Medical Center (Shanghai)

Digital TherapeuticsInnovation Platform: The Digital-Driven Integration of Diagnosis and Treatment Mode Innovation and Clinical Scientific Researchmadeby Li Qinghong, Secretary-General of the Digital Healthcare Council of the National Medical Education Association and Chairman of the Beijing Chen Jumei Public WelfareFoundation

ReachingaForward-Looking Layout of the Digital Medical Industryby Focusing on the Three Basic Elements,Clients Contacted, Efficiency and Payment,,deliveredby Yang Ruirong, Partner of Yuanyi Capital and Pre-Vice-Chairman of the Digital Healthcare Council of the National Medical Education Association

Building Health and Medical Data to Improve the Developmentof Digital TherapeuticsApplication Systemmade by Li Zhihua, Deputy General Manager of the Consulting and Solution Center of Hainan Nanhai Cloud Holding Co., Ltd.

Wang Jiejun, CEO of BOTONG HEALTH, Tong Weiwei, CEO of Beijing Juxi Technology Co., Ltd.,Peng Qibing, CEO of AQUIFERRE, Deng Jiarui, co-founder of Yibao Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd, Zhang Wei, CEO of Connect Medical Value, and Liu Jie, CEO of Chengdu Withai Innovation Technology Co. Ltd, discussed their business strategies and shared their experiencesin digital healthcare industry.

Building a Digital Medical Platform for Pain and ComprehensivelyImproving Pain Managementdeliveredby Wang Jiejun,CEO of BOTONG HEALTH

Exploring the Vvalue of IinnovativeMmedicalPproducts to PpromoteMmedicalIinsurancePpayment and HhospitalAaccessmade” by Tong Weiwei, CEO of Beijing Juxi Technology Co., Ltd.

AIoT of Medical Device PromotINGthe Ppgrading of Smart Hospital Managementmadeby Peng Qibing, CEO of AQUIFERRE

Benefiting People by Promoting Health Insurance andInclusion ofInnovativeMedical Caremade by Deng Jiarui, co-founder of Yibao Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

ANew Stagefor Disease Course Management and Digital Therapeuticsdeliveredby Zhang Wei, CEO of Connect Medical Value

Explorationand Practiceof Surgical Digitizationmadeby Liu Jie, CEO of Chengdu Withai Innovation Technology Co. Ltd.

National Children's Medical Center (Shanghai), the Digital Healthcare Council of the National Medical Education Association, and the Sanya City Womenfolk & Infant Health Care Hospital announced the proposal for the Hainan Women and Children's Digital Therapy Innovation Center” Besides, the Digital Healthcare Council of the National Medical Education Association, the Cloud Computing & Big Data Research Institution of the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, and the Beijing Chen JumeiPublic WelfareFoundation jointly launched the MedAI project.

The inaugurationceremony of Hainan Women and Children's Digital Therapy Innovation Center

The launching ceremony of MedAI

During the round table discussions, guests from various fields talked about the topics, such as New Paradigm of Clinical Collaboration, Innovation of Healthcare Payment Mode,Requirements of Data Security Regulation, Sharing Experience of Promoting Health Care Business Locally, sharing their insightsinto the innovation and development ofdigital therapeutics in Hainan.

Round table discussion 1entitled A New Paradigm of Clinical Collaboration

Round table discussion 2entitled Innovation of Medical Payment Mode

Round table discussion 3entitled Requirements ofData Security Regulation

Round table discussion 4entitled Sharing Experience of PromotingHealth Care Business Locally

At the end of the event, Zhang Yuhui extended heartfelt gratitude to all the participants for their support and contributions. He shed light onthe event’s objective of promoting the development of the digital health and therapeutics industries to meet the publics health needs. All the ideas, experiences, and suggestions shared during the event will be taken into consideration for policy formulation in Hainan’s digital health and digital therapeutics industries. To encourage more enterprises to establish their presence in Hainan, the province will build cooperation platforms and create a favorable environment for industrial development. Furthermore, these enterprises are welcome to conduct technology research, foster model innovation, and enhance scene-building in Hainan. These joint efforts will foster the high-quality and coordinated development for Hainan’s health cause and related industries.

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